Our ramp up program is designed for beginners who have never done CrossFit before. It is 5 one on one or small group sessions with a trainer. They are designed to teach you all of the lifts/movements that you will encounter during the CrossFit classes. At CrossFit Incite, we really focus on technique. If you are not moving safely, your chances of injury will skyrocket. We focus on teaching technique, consistency and then load. These 5 sessions will teach you how each of the movements are supposed to be performed and why. At the end of them, you will not be a professional weightlifter, but you will understand how your body should move while performing the lifts. After the Ramp Up classes, you can start going to the regular CrossFit classes and implementing everything that you learned.
There are 5 sessions that are $50 each, so $250 total. There are no set dates or times for these classes. We do this because we never know what your availability will be.