We’ve got you covered in the kid department.
Whether it’s off-season training or just getting your kids out of the house bring them here!!
Our kids’ program has an emphasis on overall strength, endurance and functional fitness that can be applied to an individual’s specific sport performance. This is the perfect opportunity for kids to not only improve their overall health and wellness, but allow for social growth, providing an inclusive, teamwork environment.
We have specific cycles we take the kids through to create more focus and growth. They are as follows:
“Ninja Kids”: This training cycle will have an emphasis on agility, gymnastics, vertical and horizontal jumping, balance and speed. This is a favorite among our younger athletes, with various obstacle courses. Carry over of this camp is ideal for kids who compete in football, soccer, hockey, and basketball.
“Strong Man”: This training cycle will focus on functional strength, building core and overall strength stability. Athletes will test their strength through odd object carries, slam balls and sleds. These specific movements require midline stabilization so an emphasis on core strength will also be incorporated.
“Junior Lifters”: This training cycle will focus on the lifts we generally see in CrossFit. They will learn the clean and Jerk, variations of the squat and deadlift. It’s a great foundational barbell class.
“Welcome to the Games”: This camp will focus on building our engines, interval training much like our typical metcons. Introducing and exposing our athletes to a traditional CrossFit class. This is a great camp for our older athletes who are experienced in some CrossFit movements and close to transitioning into our normal CrossFit and Sweat classes.
Your child will join a fun, supportive, and safe environment that’ll create lasting memories and a solid community full of fun and support!
Learn functional movements and build a solid foundation of proper form that’ll help your kids prevent injuries in the future.
CrossFit Kids is the perfect program to inspire lasting positive changes and boost confidence!
Get ready to move! Coach Casey programs kid friendly exercises with options for older and younger kids to complete. It’s the perfect program to get your kids moving!